+234.703.474.4458 info@gracedbelievers.org

Salvation is a call and the voice of that call is the gospel. In God’s family, there is relationship and fellowship. The devil first attacks the man’s fellowship and thus severs his relationship. John 10:25 AMP says he gave them a relationship. Fellowship is a call to believers irrespective of their condition. 1Cor 1:9 God will do this…and he has invited you to partnership with Jesus..companionship and participation even in that situation of yours. John 14:23NLT “if a person really loves me, he will keep my word and I will make my home with him. It is at this place of fellowship that grace is released and mysteries are revealed. The bible says blessed is that servant who is found so doing(in action).
Eph 5:14KJV Awake thou that sleep(your responsibility) ..and Christ shall give thee light(his part). Romans 8:5-8MSG.. Those who trust God’s action in then find that God spirit is in then-living and breathing God…God..leads us..into a free life. It is what you hear from Jesus through fellowship that will keep you. 2Cor 5:16 says if we are living and walking in the light, we have true unbroken fellowship…
We have fellowship by: searching the scriptures (but not to prove that we are believers), by continuous prayer, and by fellowship with the saints. 2Cor5:16 though we knew when he was Jesus (a man in the body) now we know him no longer as a man but as Christ… This can only happen to a man who continually abide with God in fellowship.