+234.703.474.4458 info@gracedbelievers.org

The whole treasures of Heaven are at our hand for the work of preparing the way of the Lord. Providence has prepared sufficient power in the universe of heavenly agencies to make the missionary work a wonderful success if only human agencies will qualify and fully equip themselves for the great work. Our success thus far has been fully proportioned to our efforts.

Mark 16:15-20 Our message is a life and death message, and we must let it appear as it is- the great power of God. We are to present it in all its telling force. Then the Lord will make it effectual.


Whether we live or die, we belong to Christ.

Believers, Minsters & Church Workers: Watch out for chances of presenting the message for this time; be quick to seize opportunities to speak to the people about JESUS. Accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel Of Christ is to be presented with clearness and power, that those who have ears to hear may hear the truth.