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We see the world(earth) as a sphere, but God sees it as a stadium. Heb 12:1 since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…

As in a football match, a player don’t see all the opportunities to score a goal because he isn’t everywhere. But the cheering crowd sees it all from their distance. We are the players, the devil is the opposing team and these witnesses in the book of Hebrew are the crowd.

Imagine if two players on the same team start fighting each other while the match is ongoing, this will give the opposing team a great chance to triumph and will also strain the other members of the team. They must put the argument behind, maybe decide a confrontation later and fully concentrate on the match. Phil 3:13NLT…I am focusing all my energies on this one thing…verse 14 to reach the end of the race. KJV calls it the high calling. 1Cor 9:26-27NLT I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step…(MSB)…I’m giving it everything I have got…(CEV)I don’t run without a goal. I keep my body under control and make it my slave. Why? Because everything is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my lord.

That this life is a race is something we all say, but it is not a first to get to heaven race(a mindset that has filled many with contempt). We must understand that as believers we are in it together, we have a common enemy- the devil and not ourselves. Months ago, the Lord showed me that what I think of a person doesn’t change the fact that they are loved by God; no matter how much I’ve been hurt by a person, it doesn’t change God’s opinion of them. This has helped me a great deal. You do not take the baton alone to the finish line, you must involve others on your team. What I’m getting at is that we must help and love each other as Christians even as we run this race, living our lives void of offence.

I pray the Lord grants us understanding and help our hearts to be ever fixed on him. God bless you