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1Peter 2:21 he suffered everything that came his way. Peter was a successful fisherman when Jesus interrupted him. And then when he couldn’t keep quiet about it he asked in Mark 10:28, “Lord we have given up everything to follow you.” Verse 29 Jesus replied; “Yes. Everyone who has given up for my sake shall receive now…verse 30… persecution.” Now you will receive persecution but we know they won’t last forever.. this generous God has great plans for us in Christ. 1Peter 5:10 says that makes you who you ought to be. Success is powered by experience which prepares you.

Mark 4:19 Come after me..letting me be your guide. I am walking, so you should follow me as my disciple, I’m not standing in one place, there is somewhere I am going to, but see me moving and come(run) after me as my disciple. In Matthew chapter 8, we are told of a disciple that said ‘oh lord, let me bury my father(its not wrong to bury a loved one), but Jesus refused-this is to show that we let go of whatever makes is who we are and run after the one who will shape us into what we should be. There is grace attached to every trial, keeping our eyes on this grace is the sure way out of that trial. 1Cor 10:13 says, For God is faithful..to show you the way out, the means to escape. We know Jesus’wilderness experience and so we can trust him to walk is through ours, knowing as Peter said in 1Peter 2:20; “But if you continue in spite of it to be a good servant, that is what counts with God.” Through this experience, three things happens to us: Our motives get purified, Backbones get solidified, and your calling gets clarified. It’s a process, each step we grow better, our minds gets renewed and conformed, we sink our roots deeper into Christ and we see clearly what the Lord desires to make of us. That he reigns in us, and through our lives, he can reign in others…that his kingdom come on earth,and he uses our wilderness experience to achieve this.

Is it not a privilege to be a part of this great call? Let us hold fast onto Christ in this journey, knowing that he knows the way and will lead us through. Carry this mindset this week, that you are not alone