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In Mark chapter 2, the bible records that while Jesus was in the room with a great number of people gathered, some men brought a man who could not walk. But due to the crowd, they couldn’t get to Jesus, so they made an opening (it wasn’t there before, they created it) that enabled them drop the man right and the feet of Jesus.

It wasn’t the man that tire the roof open, maybe he didn’t even believe nor did he suggest anything; also the bible didn’t write if the people joined the crowd after dropping the man or remained on the roof, but be was the one laid at the feet of Jesus and healed. We don’t know about these four men that opened the roof, but it was their faith not the crippled man’s legs that Jesus saw and he healed the man because of it. These men were not noticed, or paid, not did they get the glory. What was in it for them? Nothing. They had faith in the one who could heal the man and they led him to him.

Verse 12 He got up, took up his mat and walked away…there was no space for him to enter because of the crowd, but after the miracle, people began to create space for him to pass and praised God on his behalf. The man passing the crowd was who they saw, all the attention was on him, but there were 4 men whose faith Jesus saw and healed a man because of it. Everytime I come across this story, my heart is overwhelmed and I’m like, “Lord, people may not have seen the men who lowered the mat, but because of these men, they saw you heal a man and glorified God. Help me lord to lead people to you.” I don’t have the solution but I have he who has the answer and I choose to show him to others, that I bring people before his feet and he gets the glory I’m their lives.