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Giving is a principle to receiving. It cannot be cornered. There are some problems in life that only your giving can bring you out of. Prov11:24NLT Give freely and become wealthy. Ecc11:1 Give generously, for your gift will return to you later.

You are blessed to be a blessing. This prosperity is not for your sake but for others. 2Cor 9:7 Let each one give as he had made up his own mind and purposed in his heart…a cheerful giver whose heart is in his giving. By giving cheerfully, you put God in a tight corner; he can’t do without rewarding you. Through your giving God will break wells nd cause an outpour for you. God cannot take risk(s) for a man who cannot risk a thing. There is a level you will give that will provoke God’s hand. Until you get to that point where you are lost, you can’t find what you are looking for.

Always rely on God’s economy. Learn to believe God, that he will bless you regardless of your present circumstance. Your gifts are an offering which God welcomes and in which he delights. Phil 4:17-19 ..and my God will liberally supply your every need. Resources are not meant to be hoarded in God’s house, it’s his desire that it be shared (2Cor 9:8NLT)

Prosperity for us(new testament believers) is not for enjoyment. If your aim is to enjoy money, you will keep struggling. Matt 6:31-32… not to be preoccupied with getting..Being occupied (with worry, anxiety..) might prevent you from seeing the door(s) open around you. Verse 33-34MSB Pattern your life in God’s provision ..you will find all your concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now..God will help you deal with whatever hard things.. If you come to that point where you can say: “He that has called me will take care of me,” this is when God will step in.

Happy Jesus Focused weekend. Be blessed!