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John 16:33 I have told you all three things so that trusting me you will be unshakeable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you would continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.
The word pathway means footpath or track way.
There is a pathway given to we believers by Jesus who is the captain of our salvation; a pathway to glory at the end of this life. Heb 2:10MSG … through the suffering of Jesus, Good make him a perfect leader, one fit to bring them into their salvation.
He is the one who shows us an example in the pathway to his glory. Christianity is not a bed of roses, there is no place it was written that we won’t experience challenges
Rom 8:17-18AMP As co-heirs with Christ we are to suffer with him though blessed with spiritual blessings, and in the future we shall share of his glory. So you see? Suffering is a necessity for the Christian life.
2Cor 4:8-10AMP Suffering is a badge of true discipleship. Any Christian, who says he has not suffered before, is making God a liar.
God uses suffering to purify and perfect us in the likeness of Christ. It chastises us and disciplines us to become good soldiers of the cross.

God uses these experiences in our lives to prepare us to minister in the lives of others who are suffering or are going through what we have been through. James 1:2-4 Consider it joyful when you encounter trials…so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking nothing.
Note that the only suffering I’m talking about is the suffering we go through for the sake of Christ. 1Peter 2:19-21AMP…not as busybodies.. watch why you suffer let it not be your fault before you draw conclusion about your faith.
Our sufferings, no matter how hard and long it seems is but for a moment, and we are confident that God has the perfect plan and has given us his son to walk us through this journey. Psalm 23:4LB..you are close beside me, guiding and guarding all the way. With this confidence, we walk this path without fear.

Trust that you have been blessed. Happy Jesus Focused Weekend