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The word commitment is defined as the decision to do what needs to be done at whatever cost, a trait of sincerity and focused purpose, it also mean allegiance and dedication.

Heb 11:13-15AMP Whatever you are not committed to, you will always see reason/regrets to go back. Commitment is a product of unconditional love. Love is always a driving force for those who are committed to its course. Whatever love is involved in, there will be commitment because the believe system has been activated. Once you are committed to a course you won’t allow anybody discourage you or force you to do the work of God nor will you do it at your convenience. But the moment a believer looses his commitment, he will be open to faults.
One of the reason people get discouraged about their christian life is the lack of commitment.

1. Wholehearted surrendering to the lordship of Jesus Mt 16:24-25MSG,AMP
A lot of us claim that Jesus is lord over our lives, but they are just claims. Lordship is a title given to any person that owns everything that you own because he bought you(1Cor 6:20msg). Our time, talents, bodies are his. When it comes to decision making our role model should be Jesus irrespective of what we think or feel.Surrendering to the lordship of Jesus includes our finance (tithes)
2. Living as a kingdom servant: What are you faithfully doing for Jesus? Whatever talent or ability he has given to you is supposed to bring glory to him. Whether you are encouraged by anybody or not, you are responsible for your talent or ability. Who are you living for? Yourself?
3 Believing Jesus
Believing Jesus is one major challenge of the Christian life: the alternative for most people is fasting, a lot of people confess they believe Jesus but once confronted with challenges their true color comes out. Believing Jesus manifests when you are hurt John 21:15-17AMP.
4 Consistency in fellowship Heb 10:25AMP
No believer should give up going to meetings; each one of us needs fellowship. Three things happen in fellowship: warning, positivety and provoking, encouragement. It’s in our place of fellowship that we come to the place of understanding and knowledge Acts 17:11Amp
5 Making sacrifices- John 3:16
One of the important parts of commitment is sacrifice. You cannot be effectively committed to anything without sacrifice. The proof of God’s love was his son and his son gave us three things as commitment: His body, His wound, and his blood.
As a believer what sacrifice have you done and is still making concerning the kingdom of God. Commitment is the power house for achievement. If you are committed to God work and to him, you will be enabled to do exploits for him. Let’s not forget that the reason why trouble come our way is because of what have been committed to us- 2 Tim 1:9-12-amp.
I pray that the Lord keeps us bound to his love and committed to his direction and pattern for our lives.

Happy Jesus focused mid-week. Be blessed