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It is an error, scripturally ungodly and totally evil for any Minister of God to build the CHURCH of God on the PROPHETIC or anything else apart from the WORD (Gospel of Christ).

Acts 20:32
And now, brethren, I COMMEND you…to the WORD of His Grace, which is ABLE TO BUILD YOU UP, and to GIVE YOU AN INHERITANCE among all them which are sanctified (BORN AGAIN).

It is the teaching of the WORD (Gospel of Jesus Christ) that BUILTS the people, handing over to them their INHEEITANCE in Christ Jesus, thereby freeing them from depending upon prophets, motivational speakers, prosperity preachers and workers of FAKE miracles in the name of trying to grow Church.

The WORD does not only BUILD a person and hands over one’s INHERITANCE in Christ to the person, according to the book of James, it is written:

James 1:21
The…WORD, which is able to SAVE your souls.

There are too many frustrated, depressed and spiritually terrorized Christians. And the reason for this many “hopelessness” in the Church is the ABSENCE of the solid teaching of the Gospel of Christ.

It is only THROUGH the Teaching of the Gospel of Christ the POWER of God to SAVE the people from CHALATANS, MAGICIANS and all forms of MANIPULATIONS, holding their ground in true Faith, are hid.

Dear Minister, you cannot teach your Church the Truth of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ if you yourself do not give yourself to the truth of the Gospel. Believers are stronger, bolder and spiritually independent when they are fully exposed to the knowledge of the Person of JESUS.

The devil is NOT bothered about your prophetic service, motivational speech, people falling and rolling on the fall in the name of deliverance, the devil could be careless about your skill acquisition teachings, leadership principles and how to be a success, but believe me, the devil will do anything and everything to USE YOU TO HIDE the Knowledge of the Gospel of Christ from God’s people. Once you are recruited by the devil to help him HIDE the GOSPEL OF CHRIST from the people, he will leave you and the Church unbothered. But do remember you will give ACCOUNT to the SAME Lord Jesus you denied teaching His Church ABOUT Him on that DAY.

2 Corinthians 4:3
But if our GOSPEL BE HID, it is hid to them that are LOST:

It didn’t say “if our prophesies, miracle services or feet washings is hid” no, “If our GOSPEL be Hid” from the people is what the Scripture says! If the GOSPEL is HID, it is a sign the people are LOST.

Don’t be an agent of the devil unknowingly, Preach the GOSPEL! Don’t preach yourself (your personal experience is NOT the Gospel), preach the GOSPEL. Teach your Church ABOUT Jesus and all He DID for us.

2 Corinthians 4:4-5
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, LEST THE LIGHT OF THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF CHRIST, who is the image of God, should SHINE unto them.

Do NOT DENY the people the Light of the Glorious GOSPEL of Christ, you won’t go guiltless of their blood before God. God wants the Gospel Light to SHINE on the people.

2 Corinthians 4:5
5 FOR WE PREACH NOT OURSELVES, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

Stop preaching and teaching your experience! Your experience is NOT the Gospel. Our ASSIGNMENT as ministers of Christ is to PREACH the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

When you preach and teach the Gospel, the FAITH issue your people are struggling with will be FIXED in one-go, see how:

Romans 10:17 HCSB)
So FAITH COMES from what is heard, and what is heard comes through THE MESSAGE ABOUT CHRIST.

To be continued…

Apostle Victor James