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Here we go again…
It’s Another New Year Religious Circle!

It will surprise you to know that there are so many precious Christians (Children of God) who will be SUBJECTED to all kinds of FASTING for the New Year.

Please do not get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with fasting! But fasting for the New Year is NOT a REQUIREMENT by God for anyone IN Christ. Right there I know I have just offended people with a strong religious spirit. But then deep down inside you, you know I am telling the truth.

1 John 4:16
And we have KNOWN AND BELIEVED THE LOVE that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

Can you see that? This is what the Father REQUIRES that every Christian COME into for any New Year. The Father’s heart for us is to KNOW and to BELIEVE in His eternal LOVE for us.

The knowledge of the LOVE of God is what sets the heart of the Child of God on a good course. This is why it is a LOVE that passes knowledge.

We are believers:
Hebrews 4:3
For we which HAVE BELIEVED do enter into rest…although the works were FINISHED FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

Glory be to God! Can you see that? It is NOT all of us who have entered into God’s REST. The scripture says “we which HAVE believed” are the ones who HAVE entered into rest. Rest from fasting to see a New Year.

How come we are able to enter into God’s rest and many others still struggling to do so? The answer is in the concluding part of that same scripture we just read, it says “…although the works were FINISHED FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.”

Can you see the difference? Our ability to enter into God’s rest is in the KNOWLEDGE of what we know and believe of God. We know and believe that THROUGH Christ and IN Christ, the WORKS concerning any New Year were FINISHED for our sakes before the world began.

It takes so much UNBELIEF for you to allow yourself to be subjected by anybody (no matter the person’s church, title or how big the size of his or her church is) to do 10, 20, 50 or even 100 days fasting because of a New year. What a burden!

You are yet to enter into His REST!

You can’t KNOW and actually BELIEVE in the Father’s LOVE for you through Christ’s finished work and at the same time seek to be justified by the flesh. Beloved, the price for the new year concerning you HAS BEEN FULLY PAID for in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your challenge is NOT in the fast and how many days you deny yourself food, your challenge is that you are NOT A BELIEVER. See how God puts it:

Romans 8:32
He that SPARED NOT His own Son, but DELIVERED HIM UP FOR US ALL, how shall He not with Him also FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS?

Nothing can be more precious to the Father than JESUS. The Father not SPARING Jesus, His own Son, but DELIBERATELY delivered Him up for our joy, hope and fulfillment of any New Year and day, He says “how shall He (God the Father) with Jesus not FREELY give us ALL THINGS?”

Whatever God CANNOT freely give to you (that includes a New Year) without you fasting for is BIGGER than Jesus and all He did for us. But God forbid! Jesus is the CREATOR of all things, therefore nothing can be bigger, better or more precious than Jesus’ sacrifice (finished work) for us.

I can’t remember fasting for a New Year; neither me, my family, ministry nor all those the Lord has committed to my care. I learnt early in my Christian life to KNOW how much God LOVES me IN Christ, and walk in this knowledge. And over the years, I have come to REST my heart by faith in His love for me. I know that whatever the year brings, whether it likes it or not, I am more than a conqueror through Christ that Loves me.

So beloved, for once take your STAND!! Refuse to be intimidated and manipulated with fear into thinking that without “punishing” yourself the New Year will not be glorious for you. The devil is a liar, it is written concerning you “Glorious things are already spoken of thee in Christ Jesus.”

In this last days, God is not looking for “fasters”, a people with a religious mind set, handed over to them by their fathers.The people God is looking for in this last days are BELIEVERS.

Hebrews 11:33
(The saints of old) who THROUGH FAITH subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

Can you see that? These wonderful saints of old, THROUGH Faith, by believing this Glorious God, SUBDUED kingdom, OBTAINED promises and even STOPPED the mouth of lions. Come on now!

God is not looking for “fasters” but for believers.

The New Year Is Yours.