Genesis 2:5 no plants growing for the lord had not yet sent rain on the earth. This was before God created man. After creating the earth and calling it good, further the verses say that God prepared a garden, planted all sorts of trees to produce fruits, and caused a river to be responsible for watering the garden. But rain had not yet been mentioned, no shrub had grown in the field, no growth in the land save in the garden of Eden. Then he made man and placed him in the garden prepared for him. Even in season of no rain, the Lord is saying to us that he has prepared a place of comfort and provision, that he has us in mind and will cause all things to work for our good. The heavens had not yet released rain, but man lacked no food. Let us continually remember this-when it seems like there is no rain-and be encouraged.
by Graced Believers Ministry | Apr 6, 2022 | short charges | 0 comments