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The whole treasures of Heaven are at our hand for the work of preparing the way of the Lord. Providence has prepared sufficient power in the universe of heavenly agencies to make the missionary work a wonderful success if only human agencies will qualify and fully...

My conception about God

We all hoped he was the one who will redeem Israel, but 3 days ago he was sentenced to death… Luke 24:21. The disciples followed Jesus hoping he was the Messiah who will defeat and win over Israel from the Romans, but God had something else in mind. The...


Genesis 2:5 no plants growing for the lord had not yet sent rain on the earth. This was before God created man. After creating the earth and calling it good, further the verses say that God prepared a garden, planted all sorts of trees to produce fruits, and caused a...


Revelation 2:9MSB I can see your pain and poverty… constant pain, dire poverty..but I also see your wealth.TPT I am aware of all the painful difficulties you have passed through and your financial hardships.2Cor 8:9 by his poverty he(has made us) rich.Life in...


It’s Time To Rise Above Those Negative Circumstances & BELIEVE What God Says About You: You’re BLESSED, FAVORED, & LOVED! 2Cor 8:9; 3 John 2 Whatever GOD Gives Us, He Expects It To Be Properly Communicated. In The Absence Of That Communication The...


Quit being naughty towards spiritual things, otherwise you will eventually set yourself at naught. Do you know that with your mouth you can come out of whatever is is you are uncomfortable with at the moment??!!Proverbs 18:20 You cannot reap from a seed you keep...